Dynamic Cash Positioning
Cash Management
Discover cash efficiency with tailored funding recommendations to minimise idle balances in your business

Streamline Operations
Ready when you are- Cash funding recommendations based upon your unique business structure to keep you policy compliant, so you never underfund an account again

Automatically Share
Your Activity
Help your accounting teams close the books faster. With Palm, record all your Treasury moves, boost efficiency, and share consolidated reports with your teams –– all automatically

Ensure On-Time Funding,
Achieve clear foresight into potential cash shortfalls and excess balances. Utilize Palm to synchronize intercompany transactions, ensuring on-time, efficient funding, every single time out causes of cash variances and increase accuracy continually
Our Solution

Informed Recommendations
Never miss a funding request with Palm's system-generated cash management recommendations to ensure all accounts are funded on time
Dynamic Dashboard View
Manage your cash in one seamless dashboard, see all your balances, and funding recommendations across all entities in one place

Drill-Down Capabilties
From positioning recommendations to variance drivers, users can drill down to transaction level data from any view. No more trying to find the needle in the haystack
Set Your Rules, Move Your Cash
Target Balance Ranges
Multistep Transfers
On-Time Funding
Link to Instruments
2-Week Liquidity View
Cash Pool Management
Settlement Tracking
Transfer Reports
Suggestion Details
Transform your funding flows with Palm's automation workflows. Set your funding rules and let our system take the lead, ensuring compliant cash positioning within your intercompany framework
Your Questions,
Contact us if you have any other questions.